We help your Remote Team connect and have fun.
We host Virtual Team Building Events in which you and your colleagues are Suspects.
You connect and have fun as you solve the Mystery together!
Trusted by South Africa’s top brands since 1999.
Virtual Team Building
Virtual Team Building
Virtual Team Building
Old Mutual’s
Virtual Team Building
How does it work?
You and your colleagues are Suspects in a Crime Comedy.
You try to solve the Crime together.
You Connect and have Fun with your Team.
Dress Up
During the show you dress up with whatever you have around the house to become your new fun character.
See your colleagues transform before your eyes…
You and your remote team connect, have fun and solve the Mystery together!
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Customer’s love our Murder Mysteries.
LISTEN for yourself.
Use Fun And Laughter To Learn And Connect
At our Virtual Team Building you and your team play characters in a Murder Mystery.
This means your team interacts in a brand new way in fun and safe environment.
Once everyone in your team has chosen a new character, and a new outfit and voice to go with your new characters, you are guaranteed to see a new side of your work colleagues.
You’ll laugh and learn about each other as you solve the Mystery together.
Break The Stereotypes In Your Team
Humans are multifaceted, but at work we often only see a single side of our colleagues and we risk a critical misunderstanding.
A danger for teams, and especially remote teams, is that we only see one side of each other over and over again. This creates one-dimensional stereotypes.
The problem with these stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. Our work persona is certainly part of who we are, but it’s not all of who we are. It’s just one side of us.
To build your team you need build your understanding of each other. Your team needs to see more than just one side of each other, more than just their work personas. This is particularly challenging for remote teams who don’t have team building benefits of chats around the proverbial ‘water cooler’ or a social cup of coffee over lunch.
At our Virtual Team Building events, you all play characters in a story and so you get to see a new side of your team, connect and have fun all at the same time as you solve a crazy crime comedy together.
Why This Is Different To Other Virtual Team Building
Most virtual team building is focused on your team doing an activity of some kind; a quiz, minute-to-win-it type games etc.
Our virtual team building is focused on helping you see a new side of your team. Sure, you solve a Mystery as well, but that’s not the secret sauce.
In team builds where you are focused on an activity, it’s not really that different from what you do in the office. You are just working together toward a different goal. The idea is that in solving a team build challenge instead of a workplace challenge, your team members will have a new insight into one another. But it won’t work.
If Sarah is super quiet at work, she’ll be super quiet at your team build. Unless you change up the characters people play.
If Sarah get’s to play a boisterous taxi hitman for 2 hours, you will definitely see a new side of her. Maybe you’ll solve the Mystery, and maybe you won’t, but you’ll definitely see a new side of your colleagues and that’s how you really build a team.
Get Packages And Prices For Your Virtual Team Building
Get a quote for your remote team building Murder Mystery now!