Teambuilding and Function Venues


Host your Murder Mystery at any venue of your choice

You can have your Murder Mystery at your home, office, favourite restaurant, or conference venue.

You can choose choose your own venue, or choose a venue we’ve been to before from the list below, whichever works best for you!

When deciding on a venue, you just need to have a private room because you’re going to be dressed up and having fun! Other than that there are no special venue requirements.

Jump to Gauteng Function Venues on this page.

Jump to Western Cape Function Venues on this page.

Go to the Venues Section on our Questions Page.

Gauteng Function Venues

Remember, you can choose a venue that is not on this list.
Read what you need when choosing a venue here.

Covid was very disruptive for venues, and some have moved or closed.
We’ve emailed the venues listed asking if their details are up to date, and we’re updating the list as we hear back from them.

Western Cape Function Venues

Remember, you can choose a venue that is not on this list.
Read what you need when choosing a venue here.

Covid was very disruptive for venues, and some have moved or closed.
We’ve emailed the venues listed asking if their details are up to date, and we’re updating the list as we hear back from them.

When it comes to venues, just let us know where you are having your event and we’ll come to you.

Your Murder Mystery could be at the hotel where you’re having your conference, perhaps you have a restaurant in mind for your Year End Party, or even at your home for a birthday.

When choosing a venue you just want a private room because you’re going to be dressed up and having fun!

To get an idea of what will happen on the night, you can take a look at the some videos.

“Hilarious evening – absolutely loved it!”

MEGAN CAMERON – GD Biokineticists

For two decades we’ve been writing Murder Mystery Dinners specifically for our South African audience.

This means that our stories are easy for South Africans to relate to and participate in because they contain characters, places and plots that South Africans can identify with. But unlike real life, ours are just very, very funny!

We have literally been around the world to see how Murder Mystery events are hosted in different places, but we don’t host pre-boxed murder mysteries written for an overseas audience.

What we have done is incorporate the best parts of international Murder Mystery events into a unique format, filled with hilariously South African content.